
Day Inn Supermarket

Chinese Supermarket.

Day In Supermarket was established in 1981 and has quickly grown into one of the leading suppliers and retailers of oriental foods. We have over 4000sq.ft of retail space and over 8000sq.ft of warehousing space.

Our two outlets are conveniently located on the heart of Birmingham Chinatown (right in the city centre, we are 1 minute away from the Bull Ring). We carry over 500 product lines and have all the ingredients and accessories required for Oriental / Asian cooking.

Contact Details

Unit. B101
The Arcadian Centre,
Hurst Street, Birmingham
B5 4TD

T. 0121 622 6055



Bacon ipsum dolor amet beef ribs shoulder biltong prosciutto filet mignon kielbasa shank doner capicola ham kevin leberkas. Strip steak tongue bresaola ham, t-bone porchetta doner alcatra turducken beef. Porchetta turducken sirloin, bresaola landjaeger shank ham strip steak hamburger chicken. Hamburger boudin porchetta swine, ham turkey pancetta. Pork loin prosciutto pork belly ball tip.